7 Questions To Discover What Your Team Members Value Most

Our personal values are our deepest priorities in life. These are the truths that we embrace not just as most important, but also most beautiful. They function as the foundational reasoning for all important decisions in our life. They influence the thoughts we think, the feelings we feel, and the decisions we make.

Knowing what your team members value most is crucial both to loving and leading them well. Knowing their values helps you care for them best as a person and helps you guide them and the organization towards fulfilling their God-given potential.

If you can identify the personal values of your team members, you can speak to the heart of a person. You will know:

  • What makes him feel heard and seen.
  • What best motivates her.
  • What offends him most.
  • What’s most influential in her decision-making.
  • What brings significance to her work.

Below are seven questions I ask to help me better understand what my team members value most:


Learning Practice # 3: Read Broadly; Apply Specifically

If you were to ask great leaders, what has inspired them recently, you may be surprised that often their inspiration comes from something not directly related to their leadership context. This is because great leaders apply our third learning practice: Read Broadly, but Apply Specifically.

What Is The Opposite Of Fragile?

How effective would a gym be without weights? It would be useless because you removed the primary tool that builds strength. Or consider your immune system. If you already had chicken pox once, why will you most likely not have it again? Because you know your immune system has grown immune to the infection. Both your muscles and your immune system strengthen through applied pressure. The more that you shock the system, the stronger it becomes. 


5 Learning Practices Of Great Leaders

The Learning Age

Rick Warren said, “All leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning, you stop leading.” People have observed the correlation between learning and leadership for decades, but in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, this truth must be embraced more than ever. Though there are timeless principles, how we express them changes constantly. Due to technology, many things that worked in our culture today, won’t work tomorrow. Gone are the days where the degree we earned twenty years ago is sufficient for the leadership we need now.  As Howard Hendricks said, “If you want to continue leading, you must continue changing.” 

Not only is there a greater need for learning, but it’s now easier than ever. Information that used to be limited to a classroom or a workplace, is now one Google search away. Furthermore, the learner can personalize their experience to what works best for them. Whether it’s through books, podcasts, blogs, or online classes, you can build your own “Learning Journey.” With knowledge now at everyone’s fingertips, the bar for leading has never been higher, but the barrier for learning has never been lower. 
